Friday, May 28, 2010

My Road to Redemption

By Troy Maxwell

I was asked about last Saturday nights fight on Peltz Boxing May 22nd card at Bally’s. Where, I suffered my first loss, a more than questionable split decision. I knew, I should wait a few days to write this blog, to gather what thoughts I have about the fight and training for my rematch on July 9th, at Boardwalk Hall.

Well I could just go on complaining about being robbed, but there is no point in that I have watched the fight over and over. I have seen where I could have done more, but still no way did I lose. My trainers and I have taken this into training for my next fight. There are no glaring things I need to do immediately. Just train a little harder and leave nothing for the people to debate.

I have been working on boxing a lot more since my February fight. I think it has shown I barely had a mark Saturday night. It’s a work in progress I had no amateur background in boxing and am learning as I go. For July 9th we are doing the usual, training hard working, with very experienced fighters. There are things we are adjusting but when you won the fight one way you don’t need to change much just keep making improvement to my overall boxing. We are always improving and working on getting closer to my goal. I want to be the guy people come to Boardwalk Hall to see go to war like the great, “Thunder” Gatti did. I am salivating to get back in the ring with this kid. I need this for me and for my fans. I will bring some great excitement for my fans. My punches will have a little extra ill intent on them.

I hope everyone comes out in strong support on the 9th. You know I want to get back in the ring so bad and I love when the people are there yelling and cheering. There is no better place to be, then in the ring when that’s going on. I love to fight, boxing doesn’t fit into my life, my life fits into boxing. So anyway what I am saying is come the 9th, I and my fans will get what we deserve no questions asked. We will take one more step up that ladder. Come July 9th when that bell rings there will be one thing for sure, “NO JUDGES WILL BE NEEDED”.

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